Representatives of the Hellenic Army Academy visited AFA
Representatives of the Hellenic Army Academy visited AFA
11 Okt 2024
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11 Okt
Based on the cooperation between the Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik (AFA) and the Hellenic Army Academy, a delegation from the Greek educational institution started the visit at AFA on September 30th.
The three-day visit began with meeting the Vice-rector for Science Assoc. prof. Boris Ďurkech, who presented the main roles, structure, university and career education, science and research and international cooperation. Afterwards, members of the delegation visited Professional Military Education Center (PMEC) of AFA, where they learned about its tasks and activities. During the discussion with the management of the center, career education of both institutions was compared with an emphasis on the education of future officers in “University Graduates Officer's Course”. Delegation from Greece was also interested in a possibility of sending foreign participants to our international courses.
During the visit, members of the school units presented the way of training of cadets as part of the military program. In the premises of the Simulation Center, the method of conducting shooting training with the support of simulation technologies was explained. The visit continued with the discussion and exchange of experience about possible cooperation with the command of school units.
The final part of the visit took place at the Department of Physical Education and Sports, which also presented the premises of the newly renovated swimming pool as part of the tour. Subsequently, discussion about possibilities of mutual cooperation in sport activities between the two schools took place. Greek guests had an opportunity to take part in the annual physical performance testing of the Officers and NCOs of the AFA and thus could confront the way of testing here and at their home university. There were also practical demonstrations of close combat, which they took part in during the hospitalization as part of the teaching process. This year in September, the team of the Greek academy took part in the international Allrounder competition organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports of AFA, and in November, ten cadets from AFA will participate in the marathon in Athens, Greece.