New trends in professional training and career development of professional soldiers
New trends in professional training and career development of professional soldiers
23 Máj 2023
text: doc. PhDr. Mária Petrufová, PhD., toto:-ds-
23 Máj
The Department of Social Sciences and Languages organized on May 18th – 21st 2023 an international scientific conference "New trends of professional training in the armed forces" with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the quality of leadership in the conditions of the Armed Forces Academy (AFA) as well as in the Slovak Armed Forces.
Vice-rector for quality and development assoc. prof. Vladimír Andrassy, PhD. opened the conference, welcomed all the participants, thanked them for their involvement and emphasized that education in the field of leadership competencies of professional soldiers is extremely important.
At the conference, there were several speakers from AFA as well as representatives from HR department of MoD of Slovak Republic, colleagues from the Police Academy in Prague, Military Academy in Wroclaw and Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. A colleague from the National Military Academy in Bulgaria joined the event on-line through MS Teams.
Creative discussion of all participants followed the individual presentations, which was a particular benefit of this activity, where we could hear the opinions of the former commander of the ground forces, MAJ GEN (Ret.) Jindrich Joch and Polish colleagues from the University of Land Forces in Wroclaw.