International conference "KIT 2023" - Communication and information technologies
International conference "KIT 2023" - Communication and information technologies
02 Nov 2023
text: doc. Ing. Július Baráth, PhD., foto: -ds-
02 Nov
On October 11th – 13th, 2023, the 12th International Scientific Conference "2023 Communication and Information Technologies" (KIT 2023) was held in Granit hotel, Tatranske Zruby, High Tatras under the auspices of the worldwide organization IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
The organizer of the conference was the Department of Informatics of the Armed Forces Academy of GEN. M.R. Stefaniik in Liptovsky Mikulas in cooperation with the Slovak Electrotechnical Company, Liptovsky Mikulas branch.
The conference has been hold for 24th time this year. The main goal of the KIT 2023 conference was to provide academic, scientific, research and development personnel and experts with a space for discussion and presentation of the results of theoretical and practical research in the field of communication and information technologies, furthermore with a focus on use in military applications.
The international conference KIT 2023 covered the areas of communication and information technology and information and cyber security. The conference featured a total of 40 scientific contributions by participants from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine, which were sent to the IEEE Xplore publication and citation database. The conference also included a competition for the best student doctoral theses, in which a total of 9 theses participated. The prize "KIT 2023 Ph.D. Student Prize" was won by a doctoral student, LT. Bianca Badidová (AFA) for the contribution: Application of Neural Networks in Data Communication Analysis.
The organization of the conference at such a high level would not be possible without the support of national and international companies ALITER TECHNOLOGIES a.s., Lynx s.r.o., HP Inc Slovakia, s.r.o. and Microsoft Slovakia s.r.o., which support is very highly valued and appreciated.