Celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the military higher education in Liptov
Celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the military higher education in Liptov
12 Okt 2023
text: -sz-, foto: -ds-
12 Okt
Hundreds of people gathered on the grounds of Armed Forces Academy of Gen. M. R. Stefanik on October 12th in order to celebrate 50th anniversary of military higher education in Liptov. At the same time, they had a chance to meet former colleagues and talk about times when they studied or worked at the Academy.
The highest officials of the Ministry of Defence, state administration, local and regional self-government and the diplomatic corps took place at the celebration. The invitation was accepted by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Marian Majer, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Slovak Republic, Maj. Gen. Peter Babiar, Head of the Zilina self-governing region Erika Jurinova, Mayor of Liptovský Mikulas Jan Blchac, members of the academic senate and rectors of universities, former rectors, officials and employees of the Academy.
Ceremonial Academy in the university hall was a main part of the celebration, which was filled by speeches and presentations full of memories, awards and congratulations. On this occasion, the rector of the Academy presented the 50th anniversary medal to important personalities of social life. At the same time, he received an award from the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Slovak Republic, Marian Majer, as well as the City of Liptovský Mikulas Award from the Mayor Jan Blchac, and the award of the Žilina Self-governing Region presented by its head Erika Jurinova.
Rector of the Academy, Assoc. Prof. Jozef Puttera concluded his speech by following words: "Today we celebrate not only the past, but also the future. I am sure that Armed Forces Academy of Gen. M. R. Stefanik will continue to be an excellent center of military higher education and training of cadets, as well as center of career training for professional soldiers, and that it will continue to fulfill its role as an international military training center. Currently, Slovak Republic needs qualified and well-prepared professional soldiers more than ever".