The first instructors of unmanned aircraft systems
The first instructors of unmanned aircraft systems
03 Jan 2024
kpt. Ing. Vladimír KULPA
03 Jan
At the end of 2023, the Simulation Center of Armed Forces Academy of general Milan Rastislav Stefanik provided a three - day professional seminar "Ensuring the training of operators of unmanned aircraft systems in the environment of the Slovak Armed Forces", which was implemented in close cooperation with the Military Aviation Authority of the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic. The seminar was attended by representatives of all forces of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and sections of the Ministry of Defense, which actively use unmanned aircraft systems.
The main goal of the seminar was to provide military professional community a space for discussion and presentation of practical experience from the application of systems, means and procedures in the relevant areas of unmanned flying. Dynamic demonstrations of simulators were held in the premises of the Simulation Center and the possibility of tracking and monitoring various unmanned aircraft systems in real time was presented based on the principle of the equivalent of the UTM (Unmanned aircraft system traffic management) system and access to special software providing relevant data on aircraft.
A parallel activity provided by the Simulation Center and its training organization for operators of unmanned aircraft systems was the execution of the first certified course for instructors of unmanned aerial systems in accordance with NATO standards and national requirements, which ended with an examination in front of a committee established by the Military Aviation Authority Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic.