German Armed Forces Badge for Military Proficiency
German Armed Forces Badge for Military Proficiency
20 Jan 2023
text:: kpt. Mgr. Roman Markovič, PhD., foto: - ds-, -rm-
20 Jan
On October 10th- 11th, 2022, the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Armed Forces Academy of General M.R. Stefanik (AFA), in cooperation with the liaison team for the integration of NATO forces in Slovakia (NFIU SVK), provided an activity aimed at obtaining the award - German Armed Forces Badge for Military Proficiency. Nine members of the NFIU SVK and three members of AFA took part in that activity. Representatives from Germany, the Czech Republic and Hungary also participated.
In order to obtain reward, following disciplines had to be fulfilled successfully. Basic fitness test – 11x10 m sprint, chin up test, 1000m run. Military training part – first aid test, NBC MOPP test, 100m swim in uniform (including undressing under water), shooting from short weapon on a shooting simulator and road march – 12km with 15kg load. All disciplines had to be completed within specified limits for obtaining a bronze, silver or gold badge. In case of failure to meet the requirements the participant did not receive any badge.
Our three members Captain Roman Markovič, Private Soldier Oliver Minko and Private Soldier Andrej Paulíny managed to get the highest possible award, namely the gold badge. The badge was officially handed over to them on January 17th, 2023, by the coordinating officer of the NFIU SVK, Lieutenant Colonel René Diefenbach.