Verification phase of the project on conducting of hybrid warfare
Verification phase of the project on conducting of hybrid warfare
06 Feb 2024
text: Ing. Zsolt Pastorek, PhD., foto: npor. Mgr. Martin Kožiak
06 Feb
On January 29th – February 2nd, 2024 the 5th international meeting on the EU project "Interdisciplinary Education and Training on Hybrid Warfare" took place at the Armed Forces Academy of GEN M. R. Stefanik (AFA). It is a project, which Slovak Republic joined in 2021 through the Armed Forces Academy, and which will be finished in November 2024. The University of Public Service in Budapest is the guarantor of the project and other six countries have participated in the research (Hungary, Romania, Italy, United Kingdom, Israel, Slovakia).
This year, the project is entering its final testing phase. Its most crucial testing was carried out at the turn of January-February at the Armed Forces Academy in Liptovsky Mikulas. In parallel with this activity, Beta testing of already developed curriculum took place. The curriculum was verified using blended courses, which included studying online materials, lectures, seminars and, at least but not at last, computer-aided exercises (CAX) using simulators at Simulation Centre of AFA.
In addition to Slovak representatives, another 62 members (45 of them were students) from six countries were present. The activity opened Rector of AFA, COL GS Aurel Sabo, who emphasized the seriousness of the issue of hybrid threats and pointed to the current security environment, in which such threats are implemented.
During the week, participants listened to several expert lectures on hybrid threats, including a case study on the hybrid operations of the terrorist group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, along with direct testimonies from some Israeli students.
An important part of the meeting was to conduct a simulated computer-aided exercise with a hybrid threat situation. The computer-aided exercise of hybrid warfare using elements of constructive and virtual simulation is a unique feat, the scenario of which was created and implemented by the Simulation Centre of AFA, within the framework of active participation in the project. When creating the scenario and elements for the simulation, for the first time, the members of the Simulation Centre also used artificial intelligence algorithms. With this exercise, the students not only checked the acquired knowledge, but also practiced their skills in the field of decision-making and planning process in case of crisis situation under the stress factor and, moreover, under the burden of imitated hybrid threats.
Implementing the exercise made it possible to gain valuable knowledge and statistical information, which will be scientifically analyzed. Verified results will allow optimization of education and training procedures and processes in this area.