Meeting with the Defense Attaché of the Federal Republic of Germany
Meeting with the Defense Attaché of the Federal Republic of Germany
01 Dec 2022
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01 Dec
On November 28th, 2022, assoc. prof. Boris Ďurkech, CSc, vice-rector for science of the Armed Forces Academy of GEN M. R. Stefanik (AFA) invited LTC Rüdiger Heinrich, defense attaché of the Federal Republic of Germany accredited in the Slovak Republic. Next year, 30 years will pass since the start of joint cooperation between the two countries. For this reason, the main goal of the meeting was to evaluate the cooperation between the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, cooperation between AFA and military educational institutions in Germany in 2022, and to discuss the possibilities of its deepening and continuation in 2023.
The joint meeting provided an opportunity to present to the German representative international scientific conferences annually organized by AFA departments, which will take place also in 2023. At the same time, it was an opportunity to present the interest of partner educational institutions in Germany to participate in student scientific conferences organized by AFA. The defense attaché of the Federal Republic of Germany was also informed about the organization of the V4 Students' Scientific Conference in May 2023 at AFA within the framework of the Slovak Presidency of the V4. (note: Germany is part of the extended V4), to which students from the partner Helmut Schmidt University will also be invited.
As part of the joint discussion, the German attaché made an offer to provide lecturers from partner military educational institutions, but also from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany, for lecturing activities for departments, courses and employees according to the needs of the AFA. At the same time, he expressed interest in renewing the tradition of the participation of at least 1 member of the German Armed Forces in the ISOC course organized by International Courses Department of AFA and offered participation of Slovaks at courses at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
As AFA celebrates the 50th anniversary of higher military education in Slovakia in 2023, the meeting became an opportunity to invite the German attaché to participate in the upcoming celebrations.